Kitty's Blog

Such a good night at the Callington SC.

What a great venue and those lovely people danced their socks off. Apologies to the brilliant bar manager Tracey on her night off, who said she won't be booking us again as she'd danced too much and would have been less tired working.....(luckily for us she got the diary out) :-) It has to be said though that the highlight of the night for me was a dear elderly gentleman named George, who walked in and promptly sat on the nearest table to us, right next to a speaker and waited for his mates to arrive. This amazing chap was the first one dancing and the last to leave the dancefloor. What makes this even more special is that it turns out George is a sprightly 90 years old. We all fell in love a little with this star and cannot wait to see him again at our next gig which happens to fall on his Birthday weekend. Thank you to all who came to see us tonight and hears to the next one! xxx

And not forgetting this random but oh so wonderful message sent to us from Joe.

Boy, we must have been loud!

I’m currently sat on the bank night fishing at Bake lakes 8 miles away and listening to you guys rock ! You’re making my night cheers guys

Kitty's Blog

Thank you!! to everyone who came to see us at The Staddy Function Centre yesterday afternoon.

Our first post lockdown gig was an absolute scorcher in every sense of the word and we’re looking forward to seeing you all again, same time, same place on Sunday 30th Aug.

Such a great feeling getting back out there doing what we love but I really must remember the sun cream next time! :-)

Kitty's Blog

YAY!!! Well after more than three months of social distancing we’ve finally been able to resume rehearsals and get back to some normality.

We did however make the most of lockdown to learn some new tunes and even managed to record a couple thanks to our very technically minded guitarist Nick. All doing our bit separately from our homes.

We’re all missing gigging very much and hopefully, as restrictions ease, we’ll be back out there doing what we love very soon.